Funniest Car Commercials Pizza Ship Commercial Ricart Funny Car Ads
watch 01:52
Obi-Wan Takes the High Ground! - The Loop

The Cursed Commercials playlist by AdCentral in its entirety, in order. As of August 11, 2020, there are 1,463 videos listed. Note that the "???" listed are for adverts that don't have a clear explanation on what they are for. Videos made private or have been deleted are listed too.
Playlist [ ]
Videos 1-100 [ ]
- Rivals (EB Games)
- Huns (Quiznos)
- Deal-Tastic Me (JT's Chrysler Jeep Dodge)
- Chocolate Man (Axe)
- Crusha Kittens
- Stars Chic
- Chow Daddy
- Monster Girl (Eggo)
- Bears (Honey-Comb)
- Day One
- Taiyou Con
- Nick India Dab
- Pizza-N-Go
- Happy's Pizza Lost They Mind - Deleted video
- Wodka Vodka (NSFW)
- Yummy Buffet
- HeadOn
- Water's Had a Fruity Fling (Rubicon Spring)
- Sonic the Hedgehog Pasta (Franco American)
- Cheddar Cheese (National Dairy Board)
- Best Buy - Spider-Man
- Chocoball
- My Pepperona (Hormel)
- 1-800-Victim-2
- Sauerländer Gurken
- Protegent
- Sponge Cake (Jam Sessions)
- Health Hotline
- Deleted video (???)
- Nannerpuss (Denny's)
- Mathnasium Transformations
- Sakura-Con
- Korean Love Hotel Commercial
- Captain Lou Albano: Just Say No (WGBS-TV)
- Berries and Cream Starburst
- Catseye Pest Control
- Priority Motorsports
- Uncle Majic
- Souvlaki Hut
- Big Bill Hell's (NSFW)
- McDonald's Japan - SpongeBob Happy Set
- David's Pizza
- Flea Market Montgomery
- Sega TV Games
- Duracell: The Puttermans
- Above the Influence
- Milk Seafood Noodles (Nissin)
- Dog Breath (Wrigley's)
- Dole Bananas (Japan)
- Shiny Suds (Method)
- Baby Laugh A-Lot
- Pee Wee Herman's Drug PSA
- Hip Choice (Companies Committed to Kids)
- YMCA (
- Freddie Freaker
- Fruitomic Punch Gushers
- Urkel Os
- Funny Boy (Pringles)
- Long Long Man (Sakeru Gummy)
- Vive Sin Drogas (TV Azteca)
- Cocoon (General Mills)
- Crazy Bruce's Liquors
- McDonald's Pakistan - Hello Kitty
- Kinder Bueno
- Tom and Jerry (Starlight Advertising)
- Nibblers (Peperami)
- Super Goldman (Little John's Derby Jewelry)
- Horse Riding Fitness Ace Power!
- New Arrival (Pop-Tarts)
- Sid the Sloth Family Guy Bumper
- Watch Me Drive, Watch Me Save Save! (Kia of Bradley)
- Freak Chain (Mountain Dew)
- Ode to the Subway Feast
- Kids' WB Snow Jam
- Smart as You (Companies Committed to Kids)
- Love's Baby Soft
- Juan LaFonta
- Mattress Ranch
- Umbilical Cord (Skittles)
- This Is A Special Time (Little Baby's Ice Cream)
- Squid Kid (Splatoon)
- The Memer (Wendy's)
- PlayStation 3 Baby
- Taco John's
- Miss Cleo
- Creepy McDonald's Japan Ads
- Gamingetc
- Barbie and Her Dog Tanner
- Super Mario 64
- Subway (Airheads)
- Jamster Ringtones: Family Guy
- Fushigi Ball
- Mike Slocumb Law Firm
- Some Da Eat
- NRJ Mobile
- Replacements (Fruit by the Foot)
- Life is Short (Xbox)
- Sunsetter Awnings
- Private video (???)
Videos 101-200 [ ]
- Paolini's Pizza
- Kars4Kids
- Tootsie Pop - How Many Licks 1997 Ad
- The Great Dillini (Lunchables)
- Garlice Alien (Nissin)
- Jamster Ringtones: Crazy Frog
- Birthday World
- East Hills Mall
- Jumbo Push Pop
- The Outdoor Army Navy Store
- Ford: Sailor Moon
- Private video (???)
- Halifax - Wizard of Oz
- Eat Like Snake (Burger King)
- Shake Weight
- Doberhuahua (Audi)
- Virgin Mobile Stalker
- Just Squeezed
- Pet Society
- Never Say No to Panda (Panda Cheese)
- The First Time (Doritos)
- Sandy Balls
- Cash Train
- Jones' BBQ and Foot Massage
- Toasty Torpedo (Quiznos)
- Puppy Monkey Baby (Mountain Dew)
- Crumbs (Doritos)
- Rape Whistle (Canadian's Women's Foundation) (NSFW)
- Double Ended Di-L-Do (NSFW)
- The Uroclub
- Sandy and Jessica (Vertigo)
- Planet Pure Fresh (Mentos)
- Jamster Ringtones: B-Clux
- Winston - The Flintstones
- ShamWow
- Domino's: Hatsune Miku
- Google Screaming Ad
- Kleenex Ogre Baby
- Sauna Pants
- The General Car Insurance
- Private video (???)
- Not Just Pizza
- Stop Bullying: Speak Up (Cartoon Network)
- Ayds
- Progressive - Sonic the Hedgehog
- Fireworks Outlet
- Return of the Calbee Dog
- Duet (
- UNICEF - The Smurfs
- Little Old Lady (Discount Tire)
- IHOP Chipmunk
- V.I.Poo (Air Wick)
- Kidz Bop 5
- Princess (Skittles)
- Sandália Love Xu (Xuxa)
- Lectric Shave
- Meddling Kidz (PC Laptops)
- Call Mack Mack if Your Credit is Wack Wack (The Auto Connection)
- All Clear Auto Glass
- K-Fee
- Toddy
- Kincho: Epaksa
- Arrid XX
- Avoid the Noid (Dominos)
- Tarako
- Gusher For An Eye (Gushers)
- Yowie
- Pony Up Daddy
- Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins
- Smoking Dog (YDoUThink)
- Unicorn (Fruit by the Foot)
- Friday is Happy's Pizza Time
- Axe - Ted
- 1-800-Victim-2 Rap
- Appendix (Slim Jim)
- Howard Brown (Halifax)
- Square Butts (Burger King)
- Bad Dog (Bud Light)
- Eagleman (Eagle Insurance)
- Deleted video (???)
- Ronald McDonald's Debut
- Airheads Fruit Spinners
- McDonald's Pakistan - Sonic the Hedgehog
- Smokey Bear (U.S. Forest Service)
- Blur
- You Cannot Beat Us (Nintendo)
- Must Be The Honey (Honey Nut Cheerios)
- Mr. Yuk (Pittsburgh Poison Center)
- Don't You Put it in Your Mouth (Companies Commited to Kids)
- Smaller Babies (Truth)
- Unlock the Secret Formula (Coca-Cola)
- Geico - Cabbage Patch Kids
- Halo Top
- It's A Trap (Truth)
- Spider-Man Voting PSA
- Calbee
- Schick x Evangelion
- Roblox
- Danimals Crush Cup
- El Pollo Yon
Videos 201-300 [ ]
- Wildberry Rock (Trix)
- CM Launcher 3D
- Mt. Shasta Spring Water
- National Homebuyers
- Private video (???)
- Salvage World
- Give Us Your Cash, B--ch! (NSFW)
- Barry R. Glazer
- Shirley Temple DVD Collection
- Georgia Car Credit
- Eastern Motors
- Private video (???)
- Lanacane
- Alien Girl (PlayStation 2)
- Burger King - OK Google
- Windows 1.0
- Private video (???)
- Deleted video (???)
- The Monster is Real (States United)
- Finally Fast
- Dwight the Knight
- Snuggie
- Mattress Ranch (2)
- Bonecutters
- Kidz Bop 4
- MiO Energy
- Steak 'Em Up
- Bill Cole Hyundai
- Nationwide Boy Ad
- Gooey Louie
- The Pot Noodle Horn
- Déjalo Ahora
- Naruto Toys
- J. Michael Gallagher
- Green Giant
- Geraci Law
- Raybestos (
- Car City
- Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U
- Gusto
- Perfect Polly (page is not about the same ad featured in the playlist)
- PSP Squirrels
- Joe Flacco: Pizza Hut
- 4Kids National Anthem
- Donkey Kong
- The End of Evangelion
- Waf-Fulls (Eggo)
- Christmas in July (hhgregg)
- Zits Pop 'N Play Pimples
- SmartBeep
- Anti-Drug Puppet PSA
- Hanna-Barbera Drug PSA
- Hello
- Fox Kids
- Big Heads (Gatorade)
- McDonald's Pakistan - Crash Bandicoot
- Unicorn Island (Lucky Charms)
- Game of War
- Oreo - Cops
- Sprøde Bamser (KiMs)
- Red Bull - Titanic
- Ruud Air Conditioning
- MC Hammer's KFC Ad
- Dully's Market
- Federation Against Copyright Theft
- Donald Trump: Pizza Hut
- ???
- Kewl Breeze (SKECHERS)
- Leak (Skittles)
- Ship My Pants (Kmart)
- Inochi
- Samsonadzes
- Ashley Madison
- Memory Foam (SKECHERS)
- Big Gas Savings (Kmart)
- Bic Wavelength Pens
- Health Hotline (black variant)
- Furniture Warehouse
- Pizza Toots
- Farris Motor Company
- Trumpy Bear
- Squid (Gushers)
- Growing Up Skipper
- Furniture Deals and Steals
- Kirby's Pinball Land
- Rice Krispies Treats
- The Nutshack
- Clark Pest Control
- Sushi Bar Kissui
- Action Park
- Jay Pharoah:
- Boardroom (Haribo)
- Norton Furniture
- Gimme That Filet-O-Fish (McDonald's)
- Sunrise Auto Sales
- 1-900-HOT-HINTS
- Tarbox Toyota
- Dr. Amigo Family Clinic
- Shrek Surgery
Videos 301-400 [ ]
- Mike Slocumb
- Mike Slocumb (2)
- Orangina
- Prius! Impossible Girls (Toyota)
- Nickelodeon Super Toy Run
- Japanese Milk Commercial
- Subway: Jared Fogle
- Lionel Train Crossing Bank
- Jake Paul's Disney Channel Bumper
- Old Charley Chimp
- Private video (???)
- Inazuma Eleven
- RSPCA: Dog
- MapleStory
- Burger King: Pokemon Toys
- Creepy Animation Night
- Dragon Ball Z 1996 Bumpers
- Redo Your Room (Gushers)
- Disrespectoids (Capri-Sun)
- Edgar Snyder & Associates
- Ouya
- Baby Bottle Pops
- Singimals (Quiznos)
- Oishi
- The Garage Sale (
- Game Boy Micro
- Respect the Pouch (Capri-Sun)
- Atari 2600
- Cartoon Network Latin America: Garfield
- LifeCall
- Mr. Soapy
- Roof Seal
- The Spark (Sprite)
- ???
- Ford Focus: Solid Snake
- Lalor Family Dental
- Tango
- Wimpy's Burgers
- Nickelodeon: Shooting Stars
- Hitachi
- Kraft Meltdowns
- Thor Rx
- Orangina (2)
- Natural Scotland
- Keebler: Banjo-Kazooie
- PC World
- Shake 'N Vac
- Super Mario Anti Piracy Ad
- Legacy of Discord
- Dairy Food
- The Memesteins
- Wonder Bible
- GameStop 2007 Holiday Commercial
- Sega CD
- Cowles Nissan
- Norton Furniture (2)
- Live for Now (Pepsi)
- Talkboy
- Pop Tarts 2003 Ad
- I'm A Styrofoam Cup
- The Legend of Zelda
- Stop Looking At Me (Above the Influence)
- Eagleman
- Troll (Capital One)
- KFC's Cricket Survival Guide
- IGA Opening Animation
- Chocobo
- Private video (???)
- Mazda - The Lorax
- Romantic Dinner (Ameriquest)
- Eggo Fork
- Kirby: Canvas Curse
- Toys 'R Us Nintendo Commercial
- Burger King - Aladdin Cups
- BronyMate
- CM Launcher 3D (2)
- Showbiz Pizza Place
- Eating in Bed (M&M's)
- Asiano
- Heinz Baked Beanz
- Uncharted 3: Subway
- Horsin' Around (
- Private video (???)
- Private video (???)
- Godzilla vs. Charles Barkley (Nike)
- Mattressman
- Custom Cuts
- Carl's Jr./Hardee's - Rick and Morty
- Boomshakalaka (McDonald's)
- Nick or Treat (2)
- Wake Up With The King (Burger King)
- Private video (???)
- Awesome Together (Kenny Rogers Roasters)
- Express Car Auto
- Human Face Dog (Amazon Japan)
- Fat Loss Center
- Desmond the Dog (Lucozade)
- Lays - Mr. Potato Head
Videos 401-500 [ ]
- Dole Dippers
- Private video (???)
- Sexy Grampa Dance Time (Geico)
- Hansel and Gretel
- Eyes Scream (Little Baby's Ice Cream)
- Piracy: It's A Crime
- Why We Need Wii U
- Pit Stop Donuts
- Kirby Super Star
- Water Babies (Evian)
- The Outdoor Army Navy Store (2)
- Pokemon Pasta
- Mr. Potato Head 1970's Ad
- YDoUThink (2)
- Lint Licker (Orbit)
- Massey's Pizza
- Norton Furniture (3)
- Fishy Fishy Groovy (McDonald's)
- Damn Daniel (LG V20)
- Sonic the Hedgehog 2
- Snake Anti Drug PSA
- Galaxy Note 9 - Fortnite
- Evelyn Plays Fortnite (Sprint)
- Firework
- World's Greatest Shave
- Adventure Time
- KFC - Pokemon
- Sweet Toothasaur (Pops)
- Hawaii Chair
- Immortal Conquest
- Wet Pets
- Deleted video (???)
- Hier Nen Euro
- Private video (???)
- Qiaobi
- Theresa's Country Feed and Pet
- Brennan Dodge
- Oozinator
- The Wunder Boner
- Stars Chic (2)
- Your Teeth (The Real Cost)
- Smash! App! App! App!
- Don't Step in It
- Lickster (NSFW)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Drug PSA
- Better Butts (Truth) (NSFW)
- Twinkle Twinkle Little Dick (Truth)
- Jamster Ringtones: Schnuffel Bunny
- Jamocha's Mexican Mondays
- Roasted Cafe
- Taco Guru
- EZ Cracker
- The Dentist Down The Lane
- Lunchables Brigade
- The Litter Ladder
- Mentos Nipples (NSFW)
- Freedom of Choice (Chia)
- Mario Bros.
- Yoda vs. Darth Maul (Brisk)
- Chia: Duck Dynasty
- Dog Man (Cadbury Fusion)
- Shiny Hiney Song (Charmin)
- ???
- Flat (Above the Influence)
- Mirinda - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
- Fred Swears
- Pokémon Red and Blue
- Big City (Ahoy! Extras)
- Baby Wee Wee (NSFW)
- Orangina (3)
- Don't Talk To Me (McDonald's)
- Congratulations, You Won (not an advert)
- Gerber Grow Up Plan
- Sonic the Hedgehog Milk Ice
- Angry Birds Rio
- Wazoo
- Dairy Queen Shrimp
- LifeLock
- Japanese Tire Commercial
- It's Alive (Lamisil)
- Michelle Obama's Talking Dog (not an advert)
- The Silver Queen
- Safe Kids
- Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
- Motorola: Gorillaz
- Got Milk: Pillsbury Doughboy
- Atari Star Wars
- IHOb
- Shovel Knight amiibo Reveal
- The DreamWorks Experience
- Sneak King
- Deleted video (???)
- Private video (???)
- Cow Shake (Carl's Jr./Hardee's)
- Bryantman (Bryant)
- Beasty Boy (TLC) (NSFW)
- The Emoji Movie
- 1-900-CRY
- Miracle Mattress Twin Towers Sale
Videos 501-600 [ ]
- Scotland Against Drugs
- Aquinelle
- Olina
- Private video (???)
- SpongeBob on Comedy Central
- Bonfe
- Loco Sam Furniture
- It's Raining Happys
- Luigi's Mansion
- Private video (???)
- Coffee-mate: Flossing Gingerbread
- Tac-Bac
- Survival Mobile
- Stars Chic (3)
- Bank Tellers (Slim Jim)
- Dairy Queen - Brownie Batter Blizzard
- Kirby Tilt 'n Tumble
- Fragile Childhood
- Mario vs. Donkey Kong
- 6teen Voting PSA
- Cuckoo Court (Cocoa Puffs)
- KidsTube
- Pink Rice Krispies Cereal
- Banks Pest Control
- Muller
- Disrespect NoBody
- Yum! Brands: Star Wars Episode 1
- Lords Mobile Game
- My Taco Man
- ???
- Shawarma
- ???
- Your Shake Down
- Mearim Motos
- Eyebrows (Cadbury)
- Sprite: Sun Fizz
- Foodfight!
- HomeFront (NSFW)
- Goya
- Dicks Pawn
- PenCorder
- Keep on Sucking (not an advert)
- Street Fashions USA
- Ad Council: Global Warming
- Deleted video (???)
- Mafia City
- Mafia City (2)
- ???
- ???
- Express Electric
- Cinnamon Toast Crunch
- Satur-Yay-Aaah! (General Mills)
- LaticÃnios Acrelândia
- Private video (???)
- Pizza Hut - Alien
- Vladimir Putin: Gangnam Style
- ???
- Legacy of Discord (2)
- ???
- Mega Man Bandai Figures
- Vespa
- Private video (???)
- Eminem: Brisk
- Mearim Motos (2)
- Sprite - Sublymonal (page is not about the same ad featured in the playlist)
- Sunkist Fun Fruits
- Anker
- Spotify - Dinner
- SHERA Ceiling Board
- League of Angels III
- 101 Dalmatians Farting Ad
- Kids' Choice Awards 2018: John Cena's Family
- Sam Bernstain Law Firm (ad in playlist is edited)
- Popsicle Colors
- Bob Sapp: Hi-Chew
- Joe's Cowboy Boots
- Mafia City (3)
- Pumpkin (IHOP)
- Daaaaang Saturday (Nickelodeon)
- PlayStation Europe - Tonsils
- Be Rail Smart
- Private video (???)
- Commercial Shoot (Honey-Combs)
- Boiled Bear (Tusk Force)
- Nintendo DS
- Perfect Match (GoDaddy) (NSFW)
- Hans Strudel (Pillsbury)
- In A Crazy World (Reese's Pieces)
- Mighty No. 9
- Deleted video (???)
- Jones' Cheap Ass Prepaid Legal and Daycare Academy (NSFW)
- Meth - Not Even Once
- Mafia City (4)
- Zazoo
- Phoskitos
- Meiji
- Urbanite
- Hustle Castle
- Stop and Go (PBS Kids GO!)
Videos 601-700 [ ]
- RAVPower
- Pillsbury: Michael Cera
- Jamster
- Mafia City (5)
- Pikmin 2
- McDonald's Brazil Singing Burger Ad
- Private video (???)
- Choices
- Dragon Ball Z Toys
- Dancing Baby (Blockbuster)
- SpongeBob Game of Life
- The Kiosk
- War Commander: Rogue Assault
- Bee-bear
- ???
- Private video (???)
- Dairy Queen - Monster Cookie Blizzard
- Jamster Ringtones: Bird is the Word
- Hustle Castle (2)
- American Yo-Kai
- Fred and Sharon Movies
- Mario Kart DS
- Private video (???)
- Tips From Former Smokers
- Crampton's Carpets
- Oblivion (Alton Towers)
- ???
- Gooage Spewing Gigantic Pac-Man
- Spooky Skeleton Hotline
- Yo-Kai Watch
- Snickers Grocery Store Commercial
- Video Game Underground - Halloween
- Unsweetened (Truth)
- Ooh, Meth!
- Countdown (SIRE)
- Ruin Lives In A Flash
- Baby Monitor (Women & Men Against Child Abuse) (NSFW)
- Mirinda - Pokemon
- The Pizza Head Show (Pizza Hut)
- In Utero (Nirvana)
- Bamzu
- Love Story (Pepsi)
- Sprite - Sublymonal (2)
- Got Milk: Mr. Miller
- The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures
- Vi Daurri Pollos
- Comedy Central: Party Rock Anthem
- Burger King - iDog
- LittleBigPlanet
- Snickers: Halloween Good Stuff
- Robert Abel & Associates
- Giant Talking Spider (Skittles)
- LazyTown 2000 Commercial
- Sticky Situations (Gorilla)
- Nick or Treat
- Deleted video (???)
- The Kidd Kraddick Morning Show
- Poopsie Slime Surprise
- Phone Relief
- Oklahoma (V8)
- Trick or Treat (Sour Patch Kids)
- Private video (???)
- Egg Sitter
- Pizza Shuttle
- Action 52
- Squidward Voice Changer
- Dodd's Furniture
- Mobile Legends
- T3 Pimple Gel
- Walters Toyota
- Private video (???)
- Honey Nut Cheerios Flossing Ad
- Smiling Bob (Enzyte)
- Spider-Man: Friend or Foe
- Monster Eyes (Taco Bell)
- Reebok Belly
- So Tasty, The Mouth Boggles (Domino's UK)
- Andrew Wright Windows
- Museum (Honey-Comb)
- Catseye Pest Control (2)
- Master Kong (NSFW)
- Private video (???)
- Pokémon Gold
- Drop the Soap Mobile Ad
- Carl's Super IGA
- Super Mario Sunshine
- McDonald's Pakistan - Hello Kitty/Basketball
- Incredibles 2 Pizza Ad
- Wes Haney Chevrolet
- Crazy Butt
- Dragon Ball Eyedrops
- Kellogg's and Nickelodeon Back To School Promotional Video
- Spirit Halloween Fortnite Dances
- Big Dreams (Little Caesars)
- Sonic Earz
- Bad Luck Brian: McDonald's
- Monopoly Fortnite Ad
- Fun Spot Style
- Private video (???)
Videos 701-800 [ ]
- Stars Chic (4)
- Dairy Queen: Yeah, They're Thick
- Private video (???)
- Stop Drinking Thai Ad
- Mafia City (6)
- Choco Flakes
- Battletanx
- Happy Hot Dog Man
- Dr. Mario
- Milorix
- ASpray
- New Super Luigi U
- ???
- Fortnite Japanese Ad
- Quit It!
- Play-Doh Doggy Doctor
- Sexy Pizza (Extra)
- Dairy Queen: Flamethrower Sandwich
- Bayridge Nissan
- Luvs
- In the Mood (Bunn Coffee Makers)
- Sandy Cheeks Voice Changer
- Family Guy - Another Freakin' Mobile Game
- Boat Horn (Truth)
- Stars Chic (5)
- Private video (???)
- Pokemon Poke Ball Blaster
- Show Dogs
- Nicorette
- Super Mario Ball
- Maynard Says Chew (Maynards)
- Wilkins and Wontkins Commercials
- Nacho Drag (Taco Bell)
- Mobile Strike
- Suburban Exterminating
- Sam Catania Painting
- Justin Bieber News App
- Nicktoons 2018 Halloween Bumpers
- Boy and Vibrator (IKEA)
- Laine (Web Comics)
- Hustle Castle (3)
- Kush
- Horseless Headsman (Snickers)
- McDonald's - Shrek the Third
- Anti-Scam Ad
- Tap Tap Dunk
- East Hills Shopping Center (2)
- Jolly Rancher Pop-Tarts
- Gallina Blancha
- Karate Chimps (Tang)
- Doritos 3D
- Street Fighter II Action Figures
- Door Delights
- Walkers Crisps
- Ronald McDonald 1960's Ad (2)
- Pussi
- Asian Corned Beef
- Achievements (Above the Influence)
- Private video (???)
- Honig: Phineas & Ferb Pasta
- Zombie Plant
- Creepy Foot Doctor (Red Stripe)
- Stargazing (Little Caesars)
- Freedom Is Basic
- The Nun
- Chocoball (2)
- Yoshi's Woolly World
- Tik Tok Drawing Ad
- Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose!
- Quiznos Meat Commercial
- Mafia City (7)
- Batman: Jiggypuff
- Barbie Newborn Pups
- Cyborg Rocks
- VPNHub
- Smile (Skittles)
- McDonald's - The Emoji Movie
- Private video (???)
- Finger Lick (Doritos)
- New York State Department of Transportation
- Private video (???)
- Peter Griffin Voice Changer
- Roller Kingdom
- Shera (repost)
- LG Kompressor Plus
- Family Guy Fever (KTLA-TV)
- Nissin Cup Noodles
- Wish Anime Mask
- Save Your Nuts (Planters) (NSFW)
- Ragnarok M: Eternal Love
- Weird Popeyes Commercial
- The Smiley Central
- Orangina (4)
- Puegeot 207 (NSFW)
- Fizzer
Videos 801-900 [ ]
- Cracking Gangnam Style (Wonderful Pistachios)
- Deleted video (???)
- Frosties and Miel Pops Keychains
- Roblox Obby Ad (not a real ad)
- Carpet Man
- Fat Albert Trailer
- Toby's New Trick (Stanley Steemer)
- Famous Last Words (NHTSA)
- Hydration Mayonnaise
- Acuo
- Mearim Motos (3)
- Total Gym
- Charter College
- Deleted video
- Comfort Wipe
- Milking a Giraffe (Skittles)
- NoCuffs
- Gym1
- Andrew Jose Hairdressing
- Yodeling Cat (Walmart)
- Robert Diyas
- Holiday TWOgether (T-Mobile)
- DFS Furniture
- Nestle Christmas Commercial
- Nickelodeon Mix Ups
- Finger Cleaner
- Sweaty Santa
- #xmashumans
- Cinemark: Woody and Dobby Dancing
- Caribbean Cream (RumChata)
- Rejuvenique
- China Kitchen
- Deleted video (???)
- Magic Sex Gun
- Smash Ultimate GameStop Ad
- Monopoly Fortnite Ad (2)
- Giffing Out (Kmart)
- Little Lungs in a Great Big World (The Real Cost)
- Pokemon Solutions to 7th Heaven Problems
- Deleted video (???)
- Charter College (2)
- Summer BBQ Pineapple Whopper (Hungry Jack's)
- EB Games - Holiday Shopping
- Friendly Kia
- Talking Vanellope
- Pull My Finger
- Nao Liga, Charma
- Dancing Gingerbread
- Silly Sausage
- Pikachu Phone Color Screen
- Private video (???)
- The Carriers Who (Almost) Stole Wireless (T-Mobile)
- Brother Sister (Folgers)
- Mafia City (8)
- Dog Diaries
- Bubblicious
- Malabar
- Frseh Outta Sprite
- Gifi (NSFW)
- Show Your Joe (Kmart)
- Willie Go Boom
- Flora
- Moo & Oink
- Extreme is Dead (Sprite)
- Windows 3.1
- Energizer
- Fun Couple (Senseo)
- Pepto Bismol Gingerbread
- EE
- Nestle Christmas Commercial (repost)
- Flushin' Frenzy
- Life of Black Tiger
- Super Stereo Warehouse
- Wii U
- Fladder Flats
- Canadian Tire
- Custom Sounds
- Mafia City (9)
- Giffing Out (2)
- The Christmas Fool (Argo)
- KFC Christmas Commercial
- (Private video) (???)
- Little John's Derby Jewelry (2)
- Christmas Crunch
- KFC UK: Christmas 2018
- Pimple Pete
- Cashback
- Balzac
- Just Eat
- Fenway Golf
- Yubo
- Dance Central 3
- Dancing Gorilla
- Neat 3B
- Mafia City (10) (Video blocked in the United States)
- Deleted video (???)
- Japanese Sushi Ad
- Wish Fidget Spinners
- Nissin Ramen
- Mafia City (11)
Videos 901-1,000 [ ]
- Nordiko
- Yoki Ad
- Real Fruit Winders
- Frosties and Miel Pops Keychains (repost)
- Samsung Galaxy Note 9 - Fortnite
- Legacy of Discord (3)
- Ruffles
- Slateen
- Collierville Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram
- Zombies (Orangina Rogue)
- Nissin Cup Noodles
- Wonka Sweetarts
- Power Monster
- Private video (???)
- Metamorphosis (Axe)
- BiC Fashion
- Cinderella Booster Seat PSA
- Orangina (5)
- McDonald's Nose
- AutoSergei
- Mighty League Anthem (Angry Birds)
- Cravendale
- Sega Master System (UK)
- Jordache Jeans
- Sapito Paleta
- Late Night Rumble (Wall's Micro Sausages)
- Popsicle Sprinklers
- Partymasters
- Ambitions of a President
- Game of War: Fire Age
- Idat
- Salty (Knorr Sidekicks)
- TikTok
- Bootleg GTA V Game
- Deleted video (???)
- RÃ¥d & DÃ¥d
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Drug PSA
- Dream Laboratory (Froot Loops)
- Homepride
- Spongebob Partyware
- Private video (???)
- Coin Master
- Blockbuster Video - Smiley Face
- Family's On The Line (
- Free Robux Ad
- Seth MacFarlane: Hulu
- Looney Tunes Converse
- The Crazy Chicken Game
- CB Credit King
- Vodacom
- Tango
- Rap Rat
- Kellogg's Ricicles
- Deleted video (???)
- Buttheads
- Private video (???)
- Private video (???)
- Private video (???)
- Where is My Boyfriend App
- Family Auto Mart
- Flamin' Hot Diss Track
- Chunky Style Milk (Mint Mobile)
- Vinegaroon
- Vertigo (2)
- Manscaped
- Lippy (Skips)
- Cat Vore Ad (NSFW)
- LootBear
- Chupa Chups
- Tennessee Quick Cash
- Nipper
- Winner Taco (Walls)
- I Can't Believe It's Not Butter: UK Ad
- Two Horses
- Mad Harry's
- Stars Chic (6)
- Jumbo - Fortnite
- Westwood College Online
- Cranky (Skittles)
- Buondi Motta
- Buondi Motta (2)
- Buondi Motta (3)
- Buondi Motta (4)
- Sunrise Auto Sales (2)
- Nasonex
- Make It Rain
- Max Wow!
- Pizza Butt (Disney XD)
- Vinegaroon (2)
- Hero Wars
- Vinegaroon (3)
- Vinegaroon (4)
- TikTok (3)
- Vinegaroon (5)
- Alka-Seltzer Plus
- White Castle - $3 Bacon Threesome
- Dancing Babies (Toyota Japan)
- Taipei Music Center
Videos 1,001-1,100 [ ]
- AHT Wisconsin Windows
- Peeing Pup
- BBC Digital Faces (Video blocked in the United States)
- Vive Sin Drogas (2)
- How To Properly Clean Your Gaming Gear
- Lizard Love (Fruit By The Foot)
- Mike's Golf Shop
- Comtek
- Hoy Trial Lawyers
- Hoot Wireless
- Muscles (M&M's)
- Arm & Hammer Clump & Seal
- Bimbo
- The Guardian
- Vive Sin Drogas (repost)
- Rosemary Farm
- Crazy Gideon's
- Akasaka Sushi
- Family Guy Windows 7 Commercial
- State Farm: I'm Not A Robot
- Mr. C's
- Hair Tonic (Peperami)
- Skips Tickle Pickle
- ???
- PooPeePads
- Vans x Brobee
- General Mills Pokemon Cards
- Mecca Bingo
- Extremely Sour (Chewits)
- Reese's Pieces: Cousin Willy
- Printed Fun (Pop-Tarts)
- M&M's - Orange
- Peprami Lunchbox Minis
- PooTrap
- Mafia City (12)
- Jordache Jeans (2)
- Square Butts (shorter version)
- Nevada Coin Mart
- Sprite - Sublymonal
- Big Bill Hell's (repost)
- Perfect Polly (2)
- Chocoball (repost)
- Monopoly Fortnite Ad (repost)
- Play-Doh Doggy Doctor (repost)
- Japanese Seatbelt PSA
- Door Delights (2)
- National Council Against Smoking
- Health Hotline (2)
- Nicorette (repost)
- It's A Trap (repost)
- Above The Influence (repost)
- Calvin Klein: Marky Mark
- Deleted video (???)
- Lords Mobile
- ???
- Mafia City (13)
- Domino's: Hatsune Miku (repost)
- Legacy of Discord (4)
- Homescapes
- Walrus (Skittles)
- Conway Feed & Garden
- McDonald's 2006 Commercial
- Norton Furniture (4)
- Pikman 2
- Deleted video
- ???
- Pet Society (repost)
- Sid the Sloth Family Guy Bumper (repost)
- Abuse do seu Nissin
- Pony Up Daddy (repost)
- Tiddy Bear
- Orangina (6)
- GoDaddy Super Bowl Commercial
- SalesGenie
- Orange Man (Tango)
- Whaou!
- Rinde Dos
- Moneytree
- Knorr Chicken Tonight
- Groupon: Tibet
- Doberhuahua (Audi) (repost)
- Private video (???)
- Ultrasound (Doritos)
- Andrew Jose Hairdressing (repost)
- The Pizza Planet
- Ultra Tune
- Dietz & Watson
- Private video (???)
- Human Cartoon (Kool-Aid)
- Deleted video (???)
- Sprite Sun Fizz (repost)
- Deleted video (???)
- Deleted video (???)
- Scary Dependents (TurboTax)
- Private video (???)
- Kiss (Snickers)
- Private video (???)
- Dog Shock Collar (Doritos)
- HotBot (Kia Forte)
Videos 1,101-1,200 [ ]
- Career Builder
- Romantic Depot
- Eagleman (2)
- Vinegaroon (6)
- Famous-Barr
- Words Story
- Private video (???)
- Shiny Hiney Song (Charmin) (repost)
- Caisse d'Epargne
- HomeAway
- M&M's - Sexy And I Know It
- Career Builder (2)
- GM Robot
- Doritos Angler
- Man's Last Stand (Dodge Charter)
- Just for Feet
- In the Hole (kgb)
- Issacs & Issacs
- Private video (???)
- Stars Chic (7)
- Karate Chimps (Tang) (repost)
- Tiny Toon Adventures Games
- Homepride (repost)
- Cat Vore Ad (repost)
- Square (Honda)
- Trolli
- Doggie Doo
- Mentos Nipples (NSFW) (repost)
- Taipei Music Center (repost)
- Rap Rat (repost)
- AHT Wisconsin Windows (2)
- CM Launcher 3D (3)
- Blue Tax
- Private video (???)
- Frankie and Johnny Furniture
- Rug-It Riders
- Munchsters
- Sunkist Fun Fruits (repost)
- Bango Car Care
- Pull My Finger (repost)
- Free Wifi
- Donkey Kong (repost)
- Idat (2)
- The Uroclub (repost)
- Furniture Warehouse (2)
- Disrespectoids (Capri-Sun) (2)
- Freddie Freaker (repost)
- The Smiler
- Plant Game
- McDonald's Japan - SpongeBob Happy Set (repost)
- Lucozade - Tracey & Sandra
- Big Gas Savings (Kmart) (repost)
- Sneeze (Fruit Gushers)
- Mazda - The Lorax (repost)
- Pizza Hut - Alien (repost)
- Private video (???)
- Surfing Monkey (Partnership For A Drug-Free America)
- Smokey Bear (repost)
- Chocoball (3)
- Lynx
- Eat At Ralph's
- A Certain Gooey Thing (Dodgers)
- Trimspa
- Disrespectoids (Capri-Sun) (3)
- Action Plumbing
- Dairy Queen: Monster Cookie Blizzard (repost)
- Birth (Partnership For A Drug-Free America)
- Wilkins Pure
- Jump Again (Carpet & Tile Bargains)
- Soft Scrub
- Sapito Cookie
- Singimals (Quiznos) (2)
- Show Me The Peanut (M&M's)
- Dickson City Hyundai
- Sheep Boys (Skittles)
- Bobbie's Flowers
- Emma's Pub & Pizza
- Brasure's Pest Control
- Kirby's Adventure
- Rubberduckzilla (Oasis)
- Gogurt Commercials
- Chickenfeed
- Chicken Treat
- My Little Pony Cell Phone PSA
- Sunday School Jamz
- Teenage Hero Club (Stride)
- Micromon Adventures
- Kraft Mac and Cheese: Super Mario
- M&M's - Yellow Striptease
- Asian Corned Beef (repost)
- Nacho Drag (Taco Bell) (repost)
- Mindbender (Skittles)
- Toilet Duck
- Booger Ball
- Toby's New Trick (Stanley Steemer) (repost)
- She's Talking To Me (Pop-Tarts)
- Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
- Talon
- Stretch Vac-Man
Videos 1,201-1,300 [ ]
- Troy Restaurant
- Mouth's From Tang (Hardee's)
- Veal Made Easy
- Smoke Alarm Squad (National Fire Protection Association)
- ExpressSOS
- Watermelon Fruit Gushers
- Nissin Ramen (2)
- Love Lickers (Little Baby's Ice Cream)
- Fruit 'n Fibre
- Chicken Treat (2)
- Hot Dog Movie Commercial
- Private video (???)
- Feel the Love (Crocs)
- KFC - Bugs Bunny
- Stride (2)
- Cross Training 2000 (Nike)
- Barbie And Her Dog Trainer (repost)
- Family Faith Church
- Recipe For Disaster (Honey-Combs)
- National Homebuyers (repost)
- Baby Factory (Pearson's)
- Kermit Voice Changer
- Michael's Head (Gatorade)
- Gross Science
- Orangina Rogue (2)
- Go Direct Jack (Admiral Insurance)
- Raketu
- Keep Your Cart Happy (Miami-Dade)
- Sci-Fi (M&M's)
- YoGo Gorilla Mix
- Singing Burgers (Wendy's)
- Hulu: Seth MacFarlane (repost)
- Private video (???)
- Royal Belgian Football Association
- Punky (Chips Ahoy)
- Ty The Tasmanian Tiger
- Strip Poker (M&M's)
- Daufruit
- Protecting The Turf (NatureSweet)
- Chunky - Popeye
- Comfort Brights (Gap)
- Munchsters (2)
- Stride (3)
- Parents (National Dairy Council)
- Supersub (Coca-Cola)
- Hotel Furniture Liquidators
- Flipper (Orangina)
- Shake Weight (repost)
- BT
- Denvil Crowe
- Mansion (Honey-Comb)
- Drop the Habit (
- M&M's - Green Striptease
- Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back
- Peperami - Ballet
- Chickee (Knorr)
- Noodloids (Lipton Chicken Noodles)
- Feeding Time (Pop-Tarts)
- Twizzlers - Walrus
- Got Milk?: Trix
- Lowell "The Hammer" Stanley
- Rocky Rounds
- Granny (HM's)
- Smoking Fetus (American Cancer Society)
- Parents (Haribo)
- Other Cat Food (Iams)
- Kiss Cool
- Private video (???)
- ComfyCush
- Taxi (
- The Best Seat in Town (Cinemark)
- Wrigley's Winterfresh
- 1995 Europe Music Awards
- Lil Red (Moviefone)
- Milkybar
- Walkers Cheese Heads
- Sleeping Beauty (McDonald's)
- Skittles - Bike
- Ad Guy
- Meteor (Serta)
- WSIB (repost)
- Our Dynamic Earth
- Strepsils
- Haribo Polish Ad
- The Laughing Cow Farm
- Tied Down (British Gas)
- Swimmer (Peperami)
- Daufruit (repost)
- Arnold Schwarzenegger Energy Drink Ad
- Bath Time (
- Dolmio
- Purse Snatcher (Honey-Comb)
- Swimming Fool (Slim Jim)
- Ventriloquist (NSPCC)
- Moseley Collins
- Real Fruit Winders (2)
- Phones 4 U
- Diesel (Kia Rio)
- Cocoa Krispies Straws
- Big Mouth Masks
Videos 1,301-1,400 [ ]
- Monster Mash (Moneytree)
- Lifebuoy
- Chewits
- Caveman (Mighty Mints)
- Squidgy Baby (Haribo)
- Moustache (Wendy's)
- Journal Frankfurt
- Nicorette (Japan)
- Choco Pops - Donkey Kong Country
- Cheez Dippers
- Comcast - Bus
- Foxtel
- TikTok - Naruto Snaps
- Ralph Breaks the Internet: Screaming Goats Ad
- Weird Popeyes Commercial (repost)
- Chocoball (4)
- Kiss Cool (2)
- Fans of Wind (M&M's)
- Churchill
- Inochi (2)
- Critters in the Park (Honey-Comb)
- Dr. Pepper Ten
- Sega Master System (UK) (repost)
- Dolmio (2)
- Aliens (Cadbury)
- Skips Buzz Boltz
- Milkybar (2)
- Talk (Slim Jim)
- Abs (Skittles)
- McCoy's
- Kiss Cool (3)
- Chocorobot (M&M's)
- Micks Meathouse
- China Star
- Wheels and Deals-FSBO
- Screamin' Fruit Squidgers
- Hairdresser (Tic Tac)
- Weinstein Law
- Duped Moms (Foster Farms)
- Reject All Tobacco
- Emoji Commercial Compilation
- Shark Cage (MTV)
- Eat Your Veggies (Slim Jim)
- Lollo
- Honey
- Episode: Splish Splash
- Who Wears Short Shorts
- Deleted video (???)
- Deleted video (???)
- The Puttermans (Duracell)
- 1996 Gushers Commercial
- Kibbutzim College
- Orangina (8)
- Big Shake
- The Team (Planters)
- ??? (Video blocked in the United States)
- Frosties - Elephant
- Cat Lick (Skittles)
- Pollo Indio Nuggets
- Airheads Fruit Spinners (2)
- Freshhh
- St Mary's Banana Chips
- Airheads Extreme
- East Coast Trains
- Ovalteenies
- Kiss the Bull Goodbye (Route 22 Honda)
- My Way (Cadbury)
- Sandwicheria Crustaceo Cascarudo
- Spurters (Kellogg's)
- Urban Yeti
- Crazy Gideon's (2)
- Private video (???)
- Private video (???)
- Krypton
- Master Craft
- Kerasal
- Polysphere
- Sneak Magazine
- Milo and Maria (PSP)
- Punk CD
- Comfort King
- Private video (???)
- Animated Emojis
- Fudgems
- Super Mario vs. Alien Shooter
- China 1 Buffet
- MotherFund
- The Hangrees
- SparkTop
- Dolly Guarana
- PlentyMoreFish
- Four Seasons Heating
- Best Friends (Yoplait)
- CheapCarz
- ColorOS
- Coin Master (2)
- CheapCarz (2)
- Mayflower Buffet
Videos 1,401-1,463 [ ]
- Sqezy
- Deleted video (???)
- ???
- Win Sauce (Mountain Dew)
- LifeBuoy (2)
- Nick App - Cyclops
- Shrek's Fairytale Freestyle (not an ad)
- Bigley's Revenge
- The Tax Doctor
- Barambo
- Pokemon Waifu Ad
- The Better Box (Kool-Aid)
- Max Tall
- AutoRap
- Adriana's Insurance
- The Visit (Folgers)
- Meat Empire
- Stadia
- Bebe Rico
- Spanish Condom Song (NSFW)
- FanDuel
- Offline Shopping (Bed Bath & Beyond)
- Poopsie Slime Surprise (2)
- Travel Portland
- Magicland (Magic FM)
- Chupa Chups (2)
- Mr. Yawn
- Go Electric
- Footy (National Dairy Council)
- DataKeep
- Bedding Barn
- All People Are Tax People (TurboTax)
- Avocados from Mexico
- Tribute (Planters)
- Boomer and Charli (Sabra)
- 1-800-Busy Dog
- Yogurt Boy (Skittles Dips)
- Thai Health Promotion Foundation
- Chickenfeed (2)
- Buchstaben Yolo
- ???
- KaDunks
- Mucocontrol
- Mr. Peanut: Gift
- Let Me Out
- Grumly
- Oceanhorn 2
- Private video (???)
- Loki
- Uro Cola
- Happy HoliWAs (Liquorbarons)
- Mod Talk - Shrek
- Eternal Sword
- Town & Country Furniture
- LittleBigPlanet (repost)
- ???
- Disrespectoids (Capri-Sun) (4)
- Ball 3D
- Doctor V64
- Deleted video (???)
- Transcend Humanity (OMEN)
- Energy Hog
- Ricart
64. Japanese go milk add
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